Monday, August 8, 2011

Life, the economy, and other shit that screws with me.

So, even us hand-to-mouth bottomfeeders know that this economy sucks.  It's costing me my "unwilling surrogate" mother. 

     When she moved in across the the street we were just neighbors.  As we talked, we discovered that her daughter and I were born the same summer.  One awful day, when I was missing my mom so much that I could NOT get it together, no matter how much I tried,  I showed up on her doorstep, crying, with only the choking sounds of " I-just-really-miss-my-mom" as an explanation.  Thus, my unwilling surrogate.  She was the first one I showed the pregnancy test to.  (yes, she willingly looked at a pee'd on stick).  She was the one who we called when things got dicey during my second pregnancy.  Now, she's moving to AZ.  Moving in with her real daughter.  The economy here sucks.  This is no-one's idea of plan A.  I want to send a letter to the President.  But this isn't his fault.  Even though I despise my Congressman, this isn't even his fault.  My unwilling surrogate and I have discussed that this isn't even a depression; it's a new low that is going to make us all rethink how we deal with life.  I cannot even begin to explain how much I do not want to have to think about anymore than I already do.  Is anybody else tired? 
     So, here we are.  Please share the stuff that makes your day-to-day life easier, laundry schedules, recipes, coupon tips, etc.  Feel free to ask for help with what hinders your existence.   Some days I just need to vent.  Some days I need to have a  wine-date across the "net".  Some days I have a great moment where our church pastor has some great way of looking at things that makes me feel less crazy.  Some days I find some new nail polish that has both the 6yr old and I ridiculously pleased.  If it can help, it's valid is a philosophy of mine.  So, who has what to share?

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