Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Mid-life Reorganization

My Ongoing Evolution. 

Last summer, my husband was on a long tour.  Most of the time, he’s gone for a few weeks here, then home for a week or so, then back to the road.  Last summer was 3 months straight.  We had survived that kind of time apart before, but last year it broke me.  I spent several days practically chanting “I hate my life”.  Finally, I realized that something had to give, I couldn’t keep going that way.  I tried to figure out what I could do to change my situation.  I felt trapped.  It seemed like every direction I could think of to turn in, there was a very valid reason stopping me.  I wanted out.  I wanted a change.  I was bored, restless, lonely, and completely phoning it in as a mom.  Somehow, while I was paying attention to the kids, the house, the yard, my husband and everyday life, I had lost myself.  That is so not like me. I don’t know how it happened.  I can only imagine it happened slowly, over time.  That’s just so not me. To top it off, now that I have checked back in to me, I’m not the same person I was last time I checked.  What I want has shifted.  I decided to go back to school.  I decided to quit smoking.  I decided to finally loose that last ten pounds.  I decided to be selfish.  It’s sort of an early mid-life crisis.  Now that I am over the crisis part and into the changing part, I prefer to think of it as my mid-life reorganization.  I still have times where I slip back to the way I was before.  I don’t eat right, I blow off exercising,  I drink more wine than I have allotted calories for.  Some of those lost pounds have now been found again.  (It seems like no matter where I loose them, they are never far behind me) It’s all an ebb and flow thing.
      I’m not a fun kind of a mom.  I hope that when my kids are old enough they understand that I love them and the only way I could keep from hating them was to start loving me again. 
     I thank God everyday for my husband.  He has handled all of this like the knight in shining amour he always has been.  I don’t know how he does it.  He’s my biggest supporter, even from thousands of miles away.  

1 comment:

  1. Love your entry! Love the part about loving your kids and the only way you could keep from hating them was to start loving you again. So true. We must take care of ourselves by giving us "me time," if we are to be good to those around us.
